Title: The EMBnet Brochure and other official description material
URI: http://shamrock.csc.fi/brochure.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Bioinformatic Networks, gophers, etc.
Description: Doc containing gopher entry points relevant to the EMBnet and bioinformatics in general
Keywords: Gopher, bioinformatics, EMBnet-gophers
Title: Bioinformatic Networks, gophers, etc.
URI: http://biomaster.uio.no/gopher.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Usenet News local news and embnet newsgroups
Description: Access to no.embnet newsgroup for all interested parties.
Keywords: news, no.embnet
Title: Usenet News local news and embnet newsgroups
URI: http://biomaster.uio.no/no-embnet.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Bioinformatic WWW servers in the EMBnet and others
Description: A local list of the most important bio-informatic resources in and outside the EMBnet.
Title: Bioinformatic WWW servers in the EMBnet and others
URI: http://biomaster.uio.no/embnet-www.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: StrandWare Home Page
Admin-Handle: 74754.1243@compuserve.com
Description: StrandWare's PC-based bar code design and printing software tools for both the automatic ID market and document tracking are highlighted on this page.
Keywords: StrandWare, bar code, AID, RIM, automatic ID, bar code design, bar code printing, document tracking, Label Matrix, BackTrack
Description: Search for Bibliography entries in journals and conference proceedings. Online search requires a Web interface supporting forms. An information on email searches is available as well.
Description: A WWW molecular biology server, allowing index search through various databases such as SWISS-PROT, PROSITE, SWISS-2DPAGE, SWISS-3DIMAGE, SWISS-2DSERVICE, EMBL, etc.
Keywords: Internet WWW Strategy Community Forum Publication
URI: http://www.onramp.net/~atw_dhw/precom.htm
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Video Webalog
Description: An information source and product catalog for desktop video. The Video Webalog contains informative tutorials on video technology and product descriptions in ten product categories.
ALIWEB-Title: Computers in Teaching Initiative for Library and Information Studies (CTILIS)
Description: The library and information studies section of the UK based CTI project, including newsletters, forthcoming events, and pointers to related information.
Keywords: CTI, CTILIS, computers, teaching, library, information
Title: Computers in Teaching Initiative for Library and Information Studies (CTILIS)
ALIWEB-Title: Surfaces and Thin Films Bulletin Board
Description: An experimental bulletin board for reporting progress within the UK in the fields of surfaces and thin films, including abstracts, newsletters and details of converences, meetings and workshops.
Description: A Hypertext view of the of the FTP Archive at NUS
Keywords: NUS, Singapore, ftp, Archive
URI: http://nuscc.nus.sg/FTP/archives.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Xerox PARC World Map Viewer
Description: An interactive world map viewer at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Keywords: map, geography
Title: Xerox PARC World Map Viewer
URI: http://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/map
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Digital Tradition Folk Song Database (October 1993 edition)
Description: A searchable collection of over 4000 folk songs and 2000 tunes
Keywords: music, lyrics, tunes, songs, folk music, Digital Tradition
Title: Digital Tradition Folk Song Database (October 1993 edition)
URI: http://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/digitrad
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: mirror of rfc documents
Keywords: rfc, RFC
Title: mirror of rfc documents
URI: http://sun4.iihe.ac.be/rfc-index.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Archie Gateways
Description: A gateway to the Archie server
Keywords: Archie
Title: Archie Gateways
URI: http://sun4.iihe.ac.be/Gateways/AA.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
Keywords: LIRN
Title: LIRN
URI: http://sun4.iihe.ac.be/lirn/index.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Belgian MICE-NSC
Title: Belgian MICE-NSC
URI: http://sun4.iihe.ac.be/mice-nsc/index.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Search The Tech
Admin-Handle: archive@the-tech.mit.edu
Description: Search the contents of The Tech
Keywords: The Tech, MIT, newspaper, search
Title: Search The Tech
URI: http://the-tech.mit.edu/cgi-bin/waisq
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Business Information Services
Admin-Handle: henderj@compumedia.com
Description: A Local, Wide and Internet Networking company that specializes in Microsoft Compatible networks and has staff with experience in many area's including Windows NT and WFW Wide area and Internetworking. 10NET Local and Wide area Networking.
Keywords: PC Computer LAN WAN.
Title: Business Information Services
URI: http://www.compumedia.com/~bis/Welcome.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: ArchiePlexForm
Admin-Handle: webmaster@nexor.co.uk
Description: A Form-based Archie Gateway in the web.
Description: ALIWEB is a system that automatically combines distributed WWW server descriptions into a single searchable database. So basically it sort of does for the WWW what veronica does for gopher, or Archie does for anonymous FTP. But because the original server descriptions are maintained by
server administrators the info is likely to be correct and up-to-date, and because it uses a special format the results look very concise. It is growing slowly, and needs more participating sites. Check it out!
Description: Forms-based interface to Anonymous FTP from a Web client (for those who don't know URL syntax)
Keywords: anonymous FTP, FTP, form
Title: Anonymous FTP on the Web
URI: http://www.ai.mit.edu/the-net/ftp.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Gopher on the Web
Description: Forms to simplify connecting to an arbitrary Gopher from a Web client (for those who don't know URL syntax)
Keywords: Gopher, form
Title: Gopher on the Web
URI: http://www.ai.mit.edu/the-net/gopher.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Computer game reviews by Lee Perkins.
Admin-Handle: avatar@www.aus.xanadu.com
Description: Computer game reviews by Australian syndicated columnist Lee Perkins.
Keywords: Game, Reviews
Title: Computer game reviews by Lee Perkins.
URI: http://www.aus.xanadu.com/0/1s/reviews
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: AWI WWW Polar and Marine Research Database
Description: A database of WWW documents related to polar and marine research.
Keywords: polar, marine, global change, research, database
Title: AWI WWW Polar and Marine Research Database
URI: http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/Index/
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Toll Free Number Database
Description: A searchable database of over 800 toll free phone numbers for companies and organizations providing home and garden related products or services.
Keywords: Toll Free, Phone, 800, Home, Garden, Yard, Home Repair, Home Improvement, Gardening
Title: Toll Free Number Database
URI: http://www.btw.com/tollfree/toc.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Center for Innovative Computer Applications Questions/Comments
Admin-Handle: www-admin@cica.indiana.edu
Description: Send questions or comments to CICA via e-mail.
Keywords: CICA
Title: Center for Innovative Computer Applications Questions/Comments
Description: collection of resources for SCUBA divers in the UK, including news; dives coming up soon; current viz around the UK; places; people; pictures; wreck database; trip reports; stolen kit; buy/sell; lost/found; book reviews
Keywords: UK, diving, SCUBA, wreck, viz
Title: UK Diving Web server
URI: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/ukdiving
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: UCSTRI: A Unified Computer Science Technical Report Index
Admin-Email: mvanheyn@cs.indiana.edu
Admin-Name: Marc VanHeyningen
Description: UCSTRI polls FTP archives of CS TR's worldwide to provide a searchable index of reports.
Description: A set of W3 pages, providing you with pointers to useful things (mainly software) that you can find on the Internet.
Keywords: internet, goodies
Title: The Internet goodies
URI: http://www.ensta.fr/internet/goodies.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: FTP.FUNET.FI - Public information FTP archive
Description: One of the largest public general information archives in the internet catering especially for <A HREF="http://www.funet.fi/funet/FUNET-english.html">FUNET</A> members but available within some resource limits to the whole internet. Also known with other names like NIC.FUNET.FI and FIN
Keywords: FTP, anonymous, NIC, archive
Title: FTP.FUNET.FI - Public information FTP archive
URI: http://www.funet.fi/funet/ftp/index.html
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: ArchiePlex
Admin-Handle: matty@cs.usyd.edu.au
Description: An Archie Gateway (for Australia) in the web.
Description: The Name Registration Scheme Central Database. The NRS aims to provide a central list of services available to the UK academic community, with sufficient addressing information for access to the service. Registration of a name in the NRS does not require or imply a direct connection t
o the JANET network
Keywords: NRS, JANET, Database
Title: NRS Database
URI: http://www.mcc.ac.uk/NRS/
Template-Type: SERVICE
ALIWEB-Title: Amateur Radio
Description: Amateur Radio in the Manchester Area, with links to the US and UK callbooks, and various Amateur related newsgroups and FAQ's
Description: Manchester Linux User Group (ManLUG) are the first Linux-only group to be set up in the UK. ManLUG cover all aspects of the Linux system and hold regular group meetings at Manchester Computing in the University of Manchester computer building.